Course curriculum

    1. Overview

    2. Books & Resources

    3. Church Membership Textbook Reading Guide

    1. Attunement

    2. Lecture 1 (Video, Slideshow, Handout)

    3. Can You Love Jesus But Not the Church?

    4. Royal Priests of Eden

    5. Inductive Bible Study: Key Biblical Statements

    6. Textbook Reading: Foreword, Intro, and Chapter 1

    1. Attunement

    2. Lecture 2 (Video, Slideshow, Handout)

    3. The Royal Priesthood

    4. Israel and the Church (Article OR Podcast)

    5. The Church as the Israel of God

    6. Inductive Bible Study: Ephesians

    7. Textbook Reading: Chapter 2

    1. Attunement

    2. Lecture 3 (Video, Slideshow, Handout)

    3. Protestant Confessional Statements

    4. Four Pillars of the Church's Devotion

    5. Inductive Bible Study: Acts 1–12

    6. Textbook Reading: Chapter 3

    1. Attunement

    2. Lecture 4 (Video, Slideshow, Handout)

    3. If You Love Jesus, Join a Church

    4. Service in the Local Church

    5. Inductive Bible Study: Acts 13–28

    6. Textbook Reading: Chapter 4

    1. Attunement

    2. Lecture 5 (Video, Slideshow, Handout)

    3. Ordination & Inaugural Service Video

    4. What is the Difference Between Elders and Deacons?

    5. Elders and Deacons Chart

    6. Elders and Deacons (Articles or Sermon)

    7. OPTIONAL: Shepherding the Flock

    8. Inductive Bible Study: "One Another" Commands

    9. Textbook Reading: Chapters 5–6

About this course

  • Free
  • 46 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

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